We have reached the month that marks the limit between one year and another, which makes us take stock and reflect on what we have achieved and what we would like to achieve.

It was an intense year for us where we made many changes, and for 2024 we have other goals to achieve in mind.
Yes it's true, we don't like to be bored and we live on emotions; the same ones that we love to share with you who come to visit us, and those who have known us for years know it!
In the last month we have purchased two more horses, two little gems that we show you here in the photo and which are already giving satisfaction: a strong and powerful gray that we called Aragon and a dark almost black bay that we called Wallace.
They became part of the cavalry and immediately found their balance thanks to the mastery and teamwork led by Mohamed and the boys Ayoub, Achraf, Khassim and Hassan who train them daily and prepare them to welcome you.
Now Mohamed is on Trekking, this month of December he took some of you on the Pearl route enjoying great success and currently on the Atlantic Coast route with other participants, and finally we will end the year with a women's trek (by chance) on the mixed route of the Pearl from 30 December to 4 January, in which there are still 3 places available for those who want to sign up at the last minute and celebrate the end of the year together on our splendid Arab Berber horses.Yes it's true, we don't like to be bored and we live on emotions; the same ones that we love to share with you who come to visit us, and those who have known us for years know it!
In the last month we have purchased two more horses, two little gems that we show you here in the photo and which are already giving satisfaction: a strong and powerful gray that we called Aragon and a dark almost black bay that we called Wallace.
They became part of the cavalry and immediately found their balance thanks to the mastery and teamwork led by Mohamed and the boys Ayoub, Achraf, Khassim and Hassan who train them daily and prepare them to welcome you.
For this new year 2024 we are preparing some surprises, new paths, new collaborations and finally we will invite you to see us live at some equestrian and tourism sector fairs around the world, to show you that there are enthusiasts behind our organizations: Erika, Omar, Mohamed and all the staff who welcome you.
As a first preview, we propose to see you on
Saturday 20 January 2024 in Avignon
at the Horse fair called Cheval Passion, which we have already participated in in the past and which we particularly love for its intimate and passionate character, with notable exhibitors and an evening gala all to be see. If you are nearby, call us (00212613049107 also whatsapp) to drink a hot tea together, warm us up from the cold of Avignon and talk about our common passion: horses.
Finally, for lovers of riding in the Moroccan DESERT, I remind you that our Trekking Touareg still has very few places available, only two dates in 2024:
January 27 - February 3: 6 places still available
3 - 10 February: only two places available
An Equestrian Trekking means finding new friends, having fun with spectacular horses and having lots of laughs, as well as spending exciting moments.
Here we are with the good news for you, who have been waiting for a long time, to wish you a happy new year 2024 as a year full of interesting discoveries, we leave you a small gift from us and don't forget that you have until January 7 2024 to book the Perla, Arganier, Berber Weekend, Coast and Equestrian excursions with a 10% discount on 2024 dates using this code:
I greet you friends, wishing you to smile at life! In the hope of seeing you again soon and being able to contribute to your smiles with our experiences.
Erika, Omar and family